
Cycle History 6

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Cycle History 6

Cycle History 6
Proceedings of the 6th International Cycling History Conference in Stellenbosch, South Africa 1995

Verzeichnis der Aufsätze

  • Floris van der Merwe: Laurens Meintjes and Rudolph Lewis: Pioneers of South African Cycling.
  • Leslie Bowerman: The Romance of the Ripley Road - the Most Famous Cycling Highway in the World.
  • Dawid van Velden: Cycling is Good for You.
  • Raymond Henry: Fifty Years of Development of Simplex Derailleurs.
  • Raymond Henry: Daniel Rebour - Illustrative Genius of the Bicycle.
  • John Stegman/Mike Kramer: Front Wheel Drive Concepts - Has the Wheel Gone Full Circle?