
Der Knochenschüttler-Nr.71, 1/2021

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  • Monocycle / Teil 1 / 1851-1870

J.F.B. [Joseph Firth Bottomley], The velocipede, its past, its present & its future (Simpkin, Marshall & Co, London, 1869, Chapter VII The Monocycle, p.62. Preface dated November 1869). 2 Die generelle Ähnlichkeit der Einradkonstruktionen wurde scheinbar nicht berücksichtigt. Nur die Hauptunterschiede zwischen ihnen wie die Konstruktion des Rades und die Art und der Mechanismus, mit dem sie angetrieben wurden.J.F.B. [Joseph Firth Bottomley], The velocipede, its past, its present & its future (Simpkin, Marshall & Co, London, 1869, Chapter VII The Monocycle, p.62. Preface dated November 1869). 3 Stephen Ransom, “The One-wheeled Pedomotive Carriage. British and French Inventions,” Proceedings, 26th International Cycling History Conference, Entraigues-sur-la-Sorgue, France, 24-27 August 2015, pp.105-113. 4 R.W.W, C.E. [Civil Engineer], “A New Velocipede—One Wheel, “ Letter to the Editor dated 1 February 1869, and published inThe Engineer, Vol.27, 19 February 1869, p.141. 5 Anon, “The One Wheel Velocipede,” The New York Coach-Maker’s Magazine, Vol.X, No.12, May 1869, pp.182-183. 6 Anon, “A New Velocipede—One Wheel,” The Mercury, Hobart, Tasmania, 8 July 1869, p.3 7 Allen Green and Elisha Dyer, “Velocipede,” US patent 91,535, granted 22 June 1869. 8 Lucien Bonaparte Flanders, “Improvements in velocipedes,” British patent 1869 / 550, filed 22 February 1869. Nicht erteilt provisorischer Status 9 Lucien Bonaparte Flanders, “Vélocipède perfectionné,” French patent 84580, filed 26 February 1869.